Do you believe in...

Light. This short, five letter word is electrifying. For some of us, it refers to the tangible light we can see. When the sun rises and sets, it beams rays across the sky. The lights we turn off at night and on in the morning make our surroundings visible. The concept of “light” serves as a comparison (versus heavy) of that which we carry in our hands or hearts. There are multiple definitions of this seemingly simple word. “Light” shifts within sentences as a noun, verb, adjective, and more.

I’ve been utilizing, listening to, reading about, and pondering this word often. "Light” is also used in mystical and religious contexts; spiritual leaders are beacons of light when they speak and sing. Their leadership and insight illuminates synagogues, churches, and other sacred spaces.

Light is symbolic in several holidays that are celebrated this month. Each candle we've lit this week is more meaninful than the one before it. Hanukkah is referred to as the “Festival of Lights.” According to the story, there was only enough oil for one day. Miraculously, the oil lasted for eight days and eight nights. A menorah is visibly displayed while prayers are said, latkes are devoured, and dreidels are spun. I could care less about the gifts. For me, gathering with my children and husband is everything. 

And I love that the Shamash, which means "helper" in Hebrew, is used to light its neighboring candles. 

Christmas will be celebrated with cheer, carols, and customs such as family meals and gifts. Trees stand majestically in homes across the world. Colorful, creative ornaments adorn branches. Kwanzaa is another holiday that honors the heritage in African-American culture. It’s observed from December 26 to January 1. It culminates in a feast and gift-giving. A kinara, which is comprised of seven candles, is used to symbolize seven core principles.

If you celebrate any/all of these holidays, I encourage you to pause while participating in your tradition or ritual. As wicks are lit and candles flicker, consider that for some people, the holidays bring pain rather than healing, sadness rather than joy, tears rather than laughter. Lighting another person’s flame spreads mutual, compassionate, and radiant fire. We all need more light and love. And this extends beyond the holiday season.

There are lightgivers who illuminate us in secular settings, too. You know them well. Family. Friends. Children. Teachers. Doctors. Animals. They embrace us daily. I encourage you to broaden your awareness of those who shine brightly. Acknowledge the light you receive from them and share it with others.

Sadly, several souls I’ve met during my life crave the spotlight--I am sure you have encountered light suckers as well. These insecure, self-centered people do not realize that lighting another person's candle will not dim their own. In fact, kindling and honoring others' light brightens our entire planet. Darkness is pervasive, and we must kindle our collective flame now more than ever.

How? Small ways such as smiling at a stranger or supporting a friend. What may seem minor to you could be major. We can also spread light in broader ways such as reigniting an old friendship, volunteering in various capacities, or helping those in need.

We must recognize the shade within ourselves to find our own light. As Brene Brown eloquently said, “The dark does not destroy the light; it defines it. It’s our fear of the dark that casts our joy into the shadows.”  Light also represents truth, purity, direction, and beginnings.

The moon magically casts her luminous glow on the darkest nights. Stars shine brightest in the blackest sky. Let us not deny the shadows that surround us. See them for what or who they are and leave them behind. Realize the radiance within your own soul and beam your light onto others. For without this contrast, we wouldn’t as deeply appreciate the light.
