Articles & Essays

I write about the human journey -- unconditional love, resilience, parenting, loss, and the beauty in our breaking points. Scroll down to read my articles in Moms Don’t Have Time To, Medium, Thrive, Grown and Flown, and more.

I am thrilled you are here - I hope you resonate with the words and stories within this inclusive community.

I’d love to hear from you!

  • How Do I Let Go?

    JUNE 10, 2022 in Medium

    I plopped onto the cold, hard bathroom floor and cried. A downpour with no warning whatsoever. It gutted me. Just when I thought I’d adapted to becoming an early empty nester.
    This is not how it’s supposed to be. This is not what we planned.

  • When Mother Is a Verb

    MAY 7, 2022 in Medium

    A brief and unfamiliar twinge tickled my belly. The first few times, I thought I’d imagined this fluttering sensation. As the months passed, I recognized this movement was life growing inside of me. What once felt like the flapping of butterfly wings morphed to feisty kicks and waves.

  • Conversations with Dara Levan

    FEBRUARY 24, 2022 in Voyage Miami

    My desire to connect through writing began as a young girl. When my grandmother lived in a nursing home, I interviewed the residents and wrote their stories. I was 12 years old at the time and living in my hometown, North Miami Beach, Florida. And a voracious reader of all genres both then and now.

  • This Time Last Year

    DECEMBER 26, 2021 in Medium

    There’s a question that reverberates at all hours. It nudges me awake. I hear its echo, faint at first, and louder in recent weeks. During the day. In the middle of the night. It has zero regard for time zones.
    Where were you this time last year?