Dara Levan Dara Levan

What is your spirit animal?

Can you be both spiritual and skeptical?

I certainly am. If the concept of spirit animals seems woo-woo, and that's not your thing, I encourage you to keep reading. Within the "woo," there is wisdom in the wild. A few days ago, I spotted a stunning bird in my backyard! I’ve lived in Florida my entire life—it is the first time I have seen an osprey. As I marveled at its beauty, the bird began to dance.

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Dara Levan Dara Levan

What a pain in the neck!

I winced Monday morning while lifting my head from the pillow. Assuming I'd slept in a funky position, I ignored the pain and changed into gym clothes. I also figured, being in my late forties, a body part may occasionally creak and crack. No biggie, right?

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Dara Levan Dara Levan

When she died, my priorities shifted.

August. AWE-gust. I never knew that one word, one month could so intensely impact me. Since 1999, a pebble-sized sensation appears in my throat around late July.

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