I can't wait to hear all about it!

Did you flip the page of your calendar and wonder "how the heck is it December?!" 

I did. I am. I'm actually shaking my head while writing to you.

It is mind bending. I swear time does go faster as we (or, at least, I 😂) get older. Rather than wait until the end of this month, I have already been reflecting on 2022. Goodness there's been epic growth, and with it, letting go of old energy, fears, and more. I will write about this soon.

Today I want to hear from YOU!

💜 What shifted in your soul this year?

💜 How will you (or not) choose differently in 2023?

💜 Do you make New Year's resolutions? I do not. I pivoted in 2020 and now call them INTENTIONS. (I wrote an article about this concept---more on that next week!)

💜 What makes you proud?

💜 What do you fear?

💜 How did you regroup and recalibrate after a setback or disappointment?

Please answer these questions. I can't wait to read your responses; I'll reply to each one. And with your permission, I would love to share (without names) snippets of your stories. Your comments inspire, energize, and spark different perspectives. And I appreciate you!




Who or what would you include on your...