Who or what would you include on your...

Do you ever think about rewriting or inventing a word? What if we celebrated "Givingthanks?" I know that looks and sounds awkward. But hang in there, and I will explain.

I love everything about this holiday! The aromatic fusion of sweet and savory satiates my soul. I also love rereading our family gratitude projects. New York family comes to Florida, the cousins connect, and we spend the weekend together.

Thursday my daughter brought out the karaoke mike and next thing I knew, there was a Levan Jam! I savored the spent time cooking with my kids and husband in the kitchen as we made a delicious mess, watched the parade, and sampled frosting, applesauce, turkey, brisket...so much more.

I’ve been thinking about the word "Thanksgiving," which is not just about stuffing our turkeys and filling our bellies. As I sifted through various articles, it occurred to me that letters could be rearranged like the tables I set each year.

I give thanks for awakening each morning with a healthy mind, body, and spirit. I practice and live with gratitude. Through every word and action. Yet I'm admittedly inconsistent with keeping a daily gratitude journal. I have, however, perfected the practice of collecting them!

And my busy brain sometimes zooms in rather than fades out, assessing all angles at all hours. This may be useful for editing or making an important decision. Not so much when it's regarding an emotional situation; it is energetically depleting.

After an annoying pop up page asked, "Are you a robot?" and "Click all the traffic lights in the box," I realized that my phone was screaming ENOUGH. I shouted back, "You know who I am!" Then I stopped searching, shut off my phone, and (tried) to turn off my mind. Message received. 

So I've decided to continue a “GIVING THANKS” list. I commit to you and myself that regardless of a chock-full schedule or unexpected life circumstances, I’ll write something for which I am thankful.

Is this a message about toxic positivity? Heck no. Been there. Done that. And I didn't even realize it! 

Here's an article that explains this concept:

I've learned that I can live with gratitude but also take the time to feel deeply. Someone I adore emailed me, sharing her concern about a colleague. She expressed her worry in depth and with raw honesty. Then she ended with "but I'm grateful he is getting the best care possible."

Even during challenges, even when it’s tough to find, there is always someone to whom we can give thanks. Recently, I shared with a friend about a situation, telling her how thankful I am when people show me who they are. Years ago, I would have simmered in the "what ifs" and "I can't believe she/he is..." Now? I feel the hurt. I thank people in my journal or even aloud for their part in my journey. Then I wish them well.

Please keep scrolling to read a few more entries on my list!

I give thanks for:

🧡 Legs to walk, arms to hug, and an open heart to give and receive.

🧡 My loving husband who is my forever partner and best friend. The party I didn't want to attend became a night that changed my life--we met twenty six years ago at my now sister-in-law's house. Grateful my best friend, Robyn, insisted I go with her and didn't relent when I protested.

🧡 My insightful, hilarious kids who are kind, caring, and authentic. And our unfiltered conversations. I nearly choked on my water during a particular comment (I will not share it here. Though hilarious it may be inappropriate!). 

🧡 Love from those who are not related by blood yet with whom I am deeply connected—they are also my "framily."

🧡 Whoever invented disposable dishes and utensils.This is the first year I didn't set the tables with ceramic plates and stainless steel. I leaned into--gasp--making it easier for myself. (I do feel badly about being wasteful.) Believe it or not, this was a growth moment because I did what felt right to me rather than caving to the self-imposed "shoulds." Thirty family members coming over to hang at our home tonight--I can't wait!

🧡 Grieving those I’ve lost while appreciating the gifts of memories, love, and lessons that remain. 

🧡 I give thanks to each of you! I am grateful we’ve connected and thankful you are here.

What and who would you include on your giving thanks list? 

Please reach out and let me know. I'd love to hear from you. As always, I will reply to every message.


I can't wait to hear all about it!


Do You See Beauty In the Mess?