
Do you sit well with your emotions?

�Soul Story (noun / sohl sto•ry) A feeling or thought that inspires me. Sound on. This is a moment from a few weeks ago. Can you relate?

My intention was to go for a walk hours ago, and that just didn’t happen. (Does just wearing workout clothes count? �). I feel kind of, bleh - my energy, physically, emotionally, mentally.

It's almost like a holiday high, having my house full and abundant with family, food fun, and connection. Now it's so quiet. And in that quiet space is time for reflection.

I love the month of December. I love the merriment. I love the festivity. Yet I'm feeling a bit funky, even sadness, in my heart. It just feels heavy.

And normally I would go out and immerse myself in nature, which I will do later. I made myself a promise. I went inward instead. I needed to just be with my feelings. Sit with these emotions.

I am a perpetual optimist. Yet I feel pensive and sluggish today. And I don't know if any of you are experiencing this? I figured if I'm feeling this way, then maybe someone else is as well.

My wish for you this week is to sit with whatever emotions surface. And know that you're not alone. I’d love to hear from you.

Last Soul Story of 2021!


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