
What roots you?

I haven't been to this park since my kids were toddlers. And my daughter asked me to snap some pictures of her. Such a meaningful afternoon together. We landed here, hoping to see horses, which we did. She just walked away for a moment.

It is a beautiful day out—breezy and balmy. Grateful for our Florida winters. I stopped because this tree with its thick, entwined roots captivated me.

How gorgeous is this? It must be incredibly old. And it got me thinking about roots and how roots can be family. Roots can be friends. We can be rooted to ourselves and to nature. We are generations growing branches and creating our stories.

What roots you?

What grounds you? �

What roots will you grow in 2022?

Reach out here ⬇️ and let me know. Thank for joining me for another spontaneous SOUL STORY.

*I have to go now because my daughter is coming back right now. She’ll be embarrassed if she sees me talking to myself under a random tree! (Though she wouldn’t be surprised.).

Wishing you a restorative, restful weekend.

What stops you from clicking the button?


Last Soul Story of 2021!