
What stops you from clicking the button?

Believe it or not, this computer mouse symbolizes a moment. I'm one click away from doing something brave. I'm not afraid of many things.

I was chatting with a new-ish friend -- we bonded instantly. We're both querying our fiction manuscripts right now, which means seeking an agent. (And also consuming copious amounts of dark chocolate and coffee).

She texted me a few days ago.

"Did you hit send yet?"

I gnawed on the cap of my purple pen. Then I wrote back.

"No. I want my letter to be perfect."

Frankly, I've revised it a gazillion times. I love writing. I love editing just as much, actually, sometimes more! But I can get immersed in the editing process. Long story short, my friend texted me again this morning.

"Did you send it?"

You can guess the answer. I told her Mercury is still in retrograde; next week is better. She didn't buy it.

Something she said reverberated in my mind after I shared that I don't fear rejection. I believe wherever we are is just where we (or, in this case, my book!) are supposed to be. And I'm one of those people that just goes for it. That's how I've always lived.

So she wrote back, "I'll challenge you. Isn't being a perfectionist sort of a fear of rejection?"

Whoa. WOW. A kindred spirit who digs deep. What a fascinating question. My synapses started firing rapidly as I muddled it over.

Besides timing and listening to my gut, what was stopping me from hitting the button? Just one quick tap and my words will rocket into cyberspace. No biggie, right?

Our banter prompted infinite questions. Here are a few:

Do you relate?

What stops you or prompts you to pause in your tracks?

What stops you from clicking the button?


What’s a favorite memory you’ve made with a friend?


What roots you?