
What’s a favorite memory you’ve made with a friend?

I'm going for a walk in this beautiful park in North Carolina. (Just returned to Florida.). As we explored the area, my friend and I encountered a bridge. My time with her inspired this week’s SOUL STORY video message.

Here in Charlotte visiting one of my best friends—my soul sister. Pure, honest sharing without judgment. Tears, laughter, hugs, and uninterrupted (well almost!) connection.

I’ve been thinking about friendship lately. And how grateful I am for the Galentine's in my life. (Valentine's Day for me is really all year round). I love my friends. Not just one day, but every day of the year.

I spoke about bridges in Vermont in the fall. (I’m sensing a theme! Guess I like bridges?) This is a modern bridge that is suspended and artful. Then I spotted locks that glinted in the sun streaming between branches. People engraved names on them.

My wish for you this week is to seek places that fill your heart with love. Expand your receptivity. Feel how it spreads throughout your being. And share love without expectations. Spend some time nourishing friendships and yourself.

What’s a favorite memory you’ve made with a friend? �

How do you make lemonade from lemons?


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